ARERA asks the GCP when the cycle lane will be completed

The following question was asked at the Greater Cambridge Partnership Executive meeting on 17th March 2021

In relation to Agenda Item 7, City Access Strategy Recommendations, Part (b) ‘Agree to prioritise road space for sustainable transport and make it a more competitive choice, by discouraging car use through..’

It is very encouraging to see all the hard work going on through the GCP Agenda and Reports, but I would contest that Cambridge is the cycling city that people imagine but rather a car drivers city and the people who cycle do so despite the cars

For most days of the week the East end of Arbury Road is choked with idling traffic waiting to turn on to Milton Road

Now as my children return to school, two on bicycles and one on foot, one still affected by long Covid symptoms there is traffic queuing as far as the eye can see from my house, the road effectively blocked for cyclists.

We are being encouraged to take up active travel, but I worry about the quality of the air we breathe in, as well as the safety aspect. This is especially awful to see at school time, this road is heavily used for active travel by people of all ages. But at school times it is the parents with young children and babies in trailers, or the children and students themselves who must either sit in the traffic queue and breathe in the fumes, retreat to the pavement or get off and wheel their bikes

The abrupt ending of the protective cycle lane just after North Cambridge Academy does a disservice to all the people who ride bikes as a method of travel. It really says, ‘ok you’re on your own now, good luck!’

When will the Arbury Road cycle lanes be completed all the way down to Milton Road? It makes no sense as a safe cycling route otherwise and I have seen data to show that it is very heavily used by cyclists

Arbury Road East News – December

Arbury Road East News – December Arbury Road Baptist Church ‘A Message of Christmas hope’ Fen Road consultationNew GCP Waterbeach to Cambridge transport links consultation ———————————————————Arbury Road Baptist Church: ‘A Message of Christmas hope’Arbury Road Baptist Church will be sharing some ‘viral hope’ this Christmas and help people to celebrate Christmas in what will be a difficult time for many. The ‘Christmas isn’t Cancelled’ community video will be shown online and is accessible to all. You can access it through the website,, on Facebook or in your living room on a smart TV via the Arbury Road Baptist Church YouTube Channel.Fen Road consultation Submit your comments on the proposed development by Cambridge Investment Partnership on Fen Road. As part of their consultation with the local community they will be hosting a live webinar where the project team will present the proposals and the local community will have the opportunity to ask questions. The webinar will take place on Wednesday 16th December at 6pm.Find out more and register for the webinar below: Waterbeach to Cambridge transport linksThe Greater Cambridge Partnership is currently consulting on three of its four ‘corridor projects’, aiming to deliver better public transport and active travel routes by 2030. To the north of the city,the Waterbeach to Cambridge route is open for public consultation until 14 December.  Options include a new public transport route and an active travel.  Please provide your thoughts and comments on the GCP website.Waterbeach to cambridge consultation here: other consultations here: you all a Merry Christmas,ARERA
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ARERA monitors the impact of Histon Road closure


Histon Road has been closed to inbound traffic while improvements are made with City Deal funding. The Greater Cambridge Partnership says that its project “aims to provide better bus, walking and cycling facilities for those travelling on this busy key route into Cambridge”, see Closures are expected to last for 12 months.

Traffic entering Cambridge from the Histon roundabout on the A14 is currently being signposted down Kings Hedges Road. ARERA had asked the GCP to prevent this diverted traffic from using Arbury Road since, before the onset of COVID, its staff had warned ARERA that the result of diversion was likely to be “carnage” for those of us who live, work or learn here. But no such signage has been put in place. Members of ARERA have been busy this week monitoring traffic on Kings Hedges and Arbury Roads so that we have evidence about how the diversion is affecting traffic flows on the two roads. Preliminary analysis shows that more traffic is using Arbury Road than Kings Hedges Road, including almost all cyclists and pedestrians. ARERA is sharing the collected data with our elected councillors and with the residents association for the Hurst Park Estate. HPERA are worried that the diversion will cause additional rat running via Leys Road. The collected data is being assembled to present to the GCP as part of our case for additional signage directing diverted traffic away from Arbury Road. Once the traffic data has been fully analysed, we will share our report with residents, businesses and schools on Arbury Road and with our elected councillors. Look out for further updates on the ARERA website.


Grape Britannia endorses the benefits of a modal filter trial


At Grape Britannia, we can see the benefits of the modal filter. With our licence extended to allow drinking outside on our forecourt, the reduction in traffic noise and pollution from its introduction will, we hope, lead to a more positive environment for our patrons.

Best wishes


Grape Britannia website

NOTE: Grape Britannia bar is reopening from Saturday 11th July! Initially it will be 12-10 Friday and Saturday only

Grape Britannia now have a licence for tables outside the shop

Elaine’s Hair Fashions believes the modal filter will be healthier for us all


Elaine’s has been in Arbury road for 34 years now it would be great to encourage more walking and cycling for those that can, there is a lot of pollution with the volume of traffic. We have now experienced less pollution because of the lock down and the air has been so much healthier so for the residents the schools and us shop keepers I think the modal filter would be safer and healthier for us all . Elaine

Sign our petition for safer walking and cycling on Arbury Road East during the COVID-19 and into the future

Our recent survey demonstrated how much our community was concerned with levels of traffic on Arbury Road East and particularly the consequent safety concerns due to traffic volume, speeding traffic, and pollution.

* 95% of you wanted action now due to serious safety concerns and pollution.

* 87% of you supported filtering the road to prevent through commuter traffic (whilst still allowing access for residents, taxis, deliveries, emergency vehicles and business users).

Now, since the current COVID-19 crisis began, the speeding problem has got much worse and made it even riskier for people walking and cycling here. We are trying to do our part to protect the NHS and keep a safe 2m physical distance from each other while walking to the shops or for daily exercise, but this is becoming increasingly difficult.

The pavements are too narrow and the road is often too dangerous because of the high-speed motor traffic passing through.

Our community needs more space to walk and cycle safely, while respecting physical distancing guidelines. Filtering is a solution that will open up more community space, stop the speeding through-traffic and protect key workers who are cycling on Arbury Road, all while ensuring that everyone’s essential services are accessible by any transport mode.

Many other parts of the country are working on ways to make their streets safer to help people who are making essential journeys on foot or bike. It makes a lot of sense and we need to get started before the problem gets any worse.

Let’s work together to ensure safe walking and cycling on Arbury Road East during the COVID-19 lock down and into the future.

Please support our proposal to filter Arbury Road by signing this petition

Please share this with your neighbours

Thank you!