You can help Arbury Road get the attention it deserves! Respond to ‘LCWIP’ for better walking and cycling provision by 13th July!

Pin your own comments to the online map of Cambridge roads- See below for more details


Fill in the 18 question survey – it’s very straightforward- click here for what to do


The Cambridgeshire Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) forms part of the Government’s aim to make walking and cycling the natural choice for all short journeys or as part of a longer journey. The Department for Transport recommended that all local authorities should develop LCWIPs and have advised that those authorities with plans will be well placed to bid for future funding

Pin your own comments to the online map – click the link below:

You can read what other people have said and add your own comment as a ‘pin’

Describe your own experience of the ‘safety’ of Arbury Road as a cyclist or a pedestrian