Imminent County Council decisions affecting Arbury Road East

Much has been happening over the summer that will have significant impacts on Arbury Road East.

Decisions about whether a new zebra crossing will provided, under the Local Highways Improvement Programme (LHIP), and about the implementation of the Milton Road Area Residents Park Scheme, are imminent.

These decisions will be made at two meetings of the County Council’s Highways and Transport Committee (H&TC) to be held during the first week of October.

We have been trying to get access to the agenda papers for these two meetings to find out what is being proposed.

We were treated kindly by the Cambridge Joint Area Committee when we were invited in July to make submissions to it in support of our LHIP submission. But we have been unable to discover what recommendation it made about our proposed zebra cross to the H&TC which is going to make a decision about on October 1st. We have been told that no minutes of the CJAC meeting were made.

At a separate meeting, the CJAC recommended acceptance of the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s (GCP) proposals for our area’s residents parking scheme, despite the 288 objections made about it.

And this recommendation was made by the committee despite the public statement given our former councillor Jocelynne Scutt, who was the chair of the CJAC at the time of the GCP’s ‘consultation’ on the scheme in 2022. She publicly stated, as we consistently maintained, that the GCP had not provided information making clear that the north (even numbers side) of Arbury Road East would be excluded from the parking scheme.

The CJAC is recommending to the H&TC that the six-month trial of parking scheme, as described in the Traffic Regulation Order published in the Spring, should go ahead with the provisos that:
1.  a detailed evaluation should be made of the scheme at the end of the trial period
2. an online channel of communications should be set up so that residents and businesses can log their experiences during the trial,

ARERA has requested that the evaluation and the communications channel should be provided by independent third parties because of the GCP’s dire performance to date in relation to the parking scheme.

This all sounds very bureaucratic – because it is.

But this won’t make the consequences of decisions about to be taken any the less significant for those of us who live and work on Arbury Road East.

We will let you know when the committee papers for the two H&T committee meetings next month become available – in case you want to make your own representations to the committees.

And we will let you know the outcomes of the decisions the two meetings make as soon as they become available.

Traffic counting equipment on Arbury Road East

You may have noticed the traffic counting equipment that has been installed outside the North Cambridge Academy.

We have put in a request to the County Council’s Highways Department asking what the purpose of this data collection is and how any data collected will be used.

If and when we get a reply, we will let you know.

Judgement published on proposed new zebra crossing on Arbury Road east.

The summary report by the County Council’s Highways Officer who examined the feasibility of the proposed new zebra crossing for Arbury Road east has been released as an agenda paper for the Council meeting which will decide whether it should go ahead.

This meeting will now be held on the 25th of July.

Applications for funding are rated using a traffic light system.

Against all bar one of the reporting criteria the application for the zebra crossing has been rated as amber.

Against ‘deliverability’, it has been rated as red.

These ratings make it appear highly unlikely that the zebra crossing will be funded.

This is reinforced by the very high cost that the County Council has attached to providing a ‘raised’ crossing, as advised to ARERA by Camcycle.

The summary report to the committee is incorrect when it says that the introduction of a modal filter on Arbury Road east lacked support from local residents.

Our 2019-20 survey showed that this was not the case.

The summary report does, however, keep alive the hope that the County Council may yet deliver a “Future phase of cycle route improvements” on Arbury Road east.

Cambridge News : Parking scheme on Cambs street could cause ‘a lot of ill feeling’

By Cait Findlay – Cambridge News Senior Reporter

The proposals would see residents’ parking bays on one side of the Arbury Road and double yellow lines on the other

A group of Cambridge neighbours have described plans to introduce parking measures in their area as ‘divisive’. Members of the Arbury Road East Residents’ Association (ARERA) criticised plans to introduce double yellow lines down one side of Arbury Road, with residents’ parking bays on the other.

Ian Cooper, secretary of ARERA, described the proposals of a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) for Arbury Road as ‘divisive’. He said they split the street in half by providing residents’ bays on the south side of the street but not the north – and residents on the north side will not be eligible for residents’ parking permits under the scheme.

The proposed changes to Arbury Road have been put forward by the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) as part of the Milton Road area resident parking scheme. Mr Cooper said he had asked the GCP why the two sides of the street would be treated differently and was told there was “inadequate on-street parking capacity”.

Simon Crisp said he would need to get the kerb lowered in front of his house to be able to park in front of his house. He said he would have to pay for the kerb to be lowered – when he began to research this, he found he would have to pay to make an application to the council for permission before paying around £1,200 for the work to be done.

Maggie Fernie said she only experiences issues with parking on Arbury Road on Saturday mornings. She said she is concerned about where tradesmen would park on the street with restrictions in place: “How is anybody going to get any work done?”

Mrs Lund added that the scheme might push parking onto adjoining streets like Maio Road that are not included in the proposals. She said this would “cause a lot of ill feeling”.

Lynne Miles, Director of City Access at the GCP, said: “The proposed scheme would see a combination of measures introduced to improve parking and road safety along a busy route in and out of the city. These measures would include new residents’ parking bays, pay & display and/or limited waiting bays, and double yellow lines in places deemed unsafe for people to park. The majority of residents were in support of the scheme as consulted upon.”

A consultation on the Milton Road area resident parking scheme, which includes proposed changes to Arbury Road, was carried out in 2022. Ms Miles added: “The scheme would help to provide dedicated parking for residents who currently find it difficult to park within a reasonable distance of their home, while also continuing to support the needs of businesses and community facilities in the Milton Road area.

“All schemes of this nature have to balance tricky issues about where to draw boundaries and how to accommodate differing needs to minimise any displacement effects to neighbouring areas. Cambridgeshire County Council, the highways authority, is expected to take the final decision on the proposed residents parking scheme – which has been subject to public consultation – in due course and if the decision is to go ahead, then a six-month review is recommended to consider whether the scheme needs to be amended.”

Findlay, C. (2024, June 24). Parking scheme on Cambs street could cause ‘a lot of ill feeling’. Cambridge News.

County Council answers to questions about how proposed Residents’ Parking Scheme will affect Arbury Road east.

On March 18th, the County Council published a Traffic Regulation Order. This reveals how the County’s Residents’ proposed Residents’ Parking Scheme will affect those who live, work and travel to school along Arbury Road east.

The ARERA committee submitted more than 20 questions to the County Council asking for clarification about what it is planning to do.

Implementation of the scheme is being managed by the Greater Cambridge Partnership. The County’s Policy and Regulation team asked the Greater Cambridge Partnership to provide the additional information requested. The GCP’s project manager for the scheme has done so, leaving one question unanswered, see below.

The answers that have been given make clear that what is being done is the result, not of mistakes or oversights, but of deliberate policy decisions. These decisions will advantage some and disadvantage others. Which of these two groups will you find yourself in?

Are you personally going to be disadvantaged? Or can you see that others will be – including children going to school, pedestrians, cyclists and car owners, those shopping or working on Arbury Road east?

If so, you only have a short opportunity to make objections to, or comment on, what is being proposed.

Comments and objections have to be submitted by April 12th.

You can do this, quoting reference PR0998,

online using

or by email to

or by writing to Gary Baldwin at the County’s Policy and Regulation Team*

* Box No. DBE, Huntingdon Highways Depot, Stanton Way, Huntingdon, PE29 6PY>

Here is the additional information provided by the County Council.

Bid for new zebra crossing on Arbury Road

As a result of the response received in our December survey, the ARERA’s committee has submitted  the bid shown below to the Local Highways Improvement Programme. The bid, which has been supported by our local County Councillor Gerri Bird, is  for funding for a zebra crossing on the eastern end of Arbury Road.  Members of the committee of Arbury Road East Residents Association (ARERA) have worked closely with Camcycle to prepare this bid which meets our members’ call for increased safety measures on the eastern section of Arbury Road.

24/25 Local Highway Improvement Initiative Application Form


The proposal is for a new raised zebra crossing between Maio Rd and Leys Rd. This will provide a safe crossing of Arbury Road, linking up desire lines to Leys Road and nearby shops as well as helping to reduce vehicle speeds in an area that is a known speeding hotspot. This will help to improve cycle safety and route quality on a Cambridgeshire County Council principal signed cycle route.

How does your application address a known safety issue?

The proposed crossing sits between two existing crossings, one outside the North Cambridge Academy and the other at the junction of Milton Road. These crossings are separated by over 500 metres. The existing lack of safe crossing reduces permeability for people walking and fails to recognise the desire line to cross near Leys Road. Many people prefer to walk and cycle on Leys Road and Highworth Avenue to avoid the Milton Road junction with Arbury Road. There have been a number of collisions along this length of Arbury Road, often not associated with a junction and involving pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles. 5 incidents, 4 slight and one minor have occurred in the last five years. Cambridgeshire County Council speed surveys conducted in August 2020 showed that 66% of vehicles exceed the speed limit and with maximum daily speeds regularly exceeding 50 miles an hour.

How will your application increase safety for highway users?

The proposal will provide a new intermediate crossing between the existing two discussed above. This will allow people to access Leys Road and cross in advance of Milton Road, which is a signalised crossing with long pedestrian wait times. This proposal will therefore help to reduce the number of informal crossings which are often unsafe, with parked cars reducing visibility for all users. The crossing would also provide a useful alternative for children and parents walking to the Cambridge North Academy and provide a valuable crossing for residents of Havenfield sheltered retirement homes, reducing the distance to local shops and nearby quiet routes. The raised table will also help to reduce vehicular speeds. The western end of Arbury Road provides seven crossings and five raised tables across 950 metres, this helps to create a safer, lower-speed environment. On the other hand, the eastern section discussed in this application has no crossing or speed control measure for 500 metres, which results in higher vehicle speeds and a lack of opportunity for people to cross. As noted above, Arbury Road is identified on Cambridgeshire County Council cycle maps as a principal signed route. The western section of Arbury Road provides dedicated cycle tracks, using the Cambridge Kerb. However, this stops close to the North Cambridge Academy. LTN1/20, the national design standards for cycling, states that speed reduction is vital for creating safe shared carriageways and speed reduction measures will benefit both cyclists and pedestrians. The cycling level of service tool within LTN1/20 discusses the importance of reducing speed differences where cyclists are sharing the carriageway. A safe environment for vehicles and cyclists to share the carriageway should ensure an 85th percentile speed below 20mph. A raised crossing will help Arbury Road move closer to this goal; however further interventions would be required to meet these standards. Arbury Road East Residents’ Association (ARERA) would welcome a wider discussion on additional speed reducing measures. It is commonly accepted that speed-reduction measures should be provided between 20m and 150m apart with an average being around 70m. Therefore, an additional measure either side of this crossing would align with national design standards and go further to improving safety.

How does your application contribute positively to sustainable transport, public transport, & health?

The proposal is focussed on providing more opportunity for safe crossings for pedestrians and to provide a safer environment for cycling. Increasing the safety and ease of active travel is vital to increasing the number of people choosing to travel sustainably. The proposals are not situated on a bus route and therefore will not negatively affect any bus services, but will provide better pedestrian access to nearby services on the western section of Arbury Road and on Milton Road. Therefore, the scheme would encourage further uptake in walking and cycling.

Does your application have demonstrable local support?

In December 2023 ARERA undertook a survey of Arbury Road East residents and businesses, asking those who live and work on Arbury Road East and its tributaries whether they would support a new zebra crossing situated between Milton Road and the Arbury Court play area. Two locations for a new crossing were offered: location A: crossing between No 15 and the footpath to Kirkby Close or Location B a crossing between Maio Rd and Leys Rd. The committee surveyed people by distributing a paper flyer to 156 households, 5 businesses and 1 church, delivered door to door. It asked them to vote online for or against the proposal and to tell us why they voted as they did. Paper survey forms were also delivered to the 62 residential flats in Havenfield. The survey generated a large response. 47 people replied using ARERA’s online survey. More than 8 out 10 (39) of them supported the installation of a new zebra crossing. Only 8 of them did not. 9 completed forms were returned by residents of Havenfield. All bar one supported installation of a new zebra crossing. Around two thirds of those who voted for a crossing preferred Location B which has been taken forward in this application. Those who had voted against a new zebra crossing were asked why they had done so. They had used three assessment criteria: o proximity to other crossing points o traffic blocking potential, and o loss of on-street parking To note, the loss of on-street parking and proximity to other crossings are comments directly associated with location A and not the proposed location B A resident in close proximity to location B does not support the proposals due to concerns over the Belisha beacon. ARERA understands that Belisha beacons are now light sensitive and light levels can be reduced in sensitive areas, as well as the beacon being installed with a collar to reduce light spill. ARERA welcomes support from Cambridgeshire County Council and will look to engage with the resident. We have also worked closely with Camcycle, who supported an ARERA workshop in which various possible LHI improvements were discussed. Camcycle fully supports this application This link takes you to the discussion and survey results on ARERA’s website

How will your requested changes result in localised environmental improvements?

The proposal will result in a positive reduction in vehicle speeds, creating a safer environment for those walking and cycling. This crossing will directly benefit the nearby school – North Cambridge Academy. This crossing will also help residents of Havenfield (the nearby sheltered accommodation) to maintain travel independence. We have discussed this application with Cllr Gerri Bird who represents the Chesterton Ward and kept her apprised of progress. Unfortunately to date she has not yet contacted us formally to give us her support. We will continue to urge her to support us formally and will update appropriately if she does so.

Location link

Have your requested improvements been shared with and approved by the respective County member(s) for the area?

Has an informal consultation been undertaken for your proposed scheme, and does it have the support of the local residents and stakeholders that would be directly affected by it?

Please confirm that you understand that your financial contribution should not be reliant on any subsequent requests by your (the applicant) to third parties to secure all of, or a proportion of the agreed funding allocation?

A new zebra crossing for Arbury Road East?

Arbury Road East Residents Association has, as two of its primary objectives, improving pedestrian and cyclist safety on the eastern end of Arbury Road (between Arbury Court play area and the Milton Road traffic lights).

As one way of achieving this, ARERA’s committee has explored local support for a new pedestrian crossing on Arbury Road East. This could be funded out of the County Council’s Local Highway Improvement Programme. This invites any group that represents the local community to apply for funding. The schemes are community driven and give local people the opportunity to put forward proposals for highway improvements in their area,

A new crossing could improve safety for children walking via Leys Road to local primary and secondary schools, those living in Maio Road, Havenfield, Twickeham and Marfield Courts using Arbury Road shops, as well as all those who live and work on our street.

Results of survey of Arbury Road East residents and businesses

In December 2023, we asked those who live and work on Arbury Road East and its tributaries whether they would support a new zebra crossing situated between Milton Road and the Arbury Court play area, potentially funded by the County Council’s Local Highway Improvement Programme.

Two locations for a new crossing were suggested.

The committee surveyed people by distributing a paper flyer to 156 households, 5 businesses and 1 church, delivered door to door. It asked them to vote online for or against the proposal and to tell us why they voted as they did. Paper survey forms were also delivered to the 62 residential flats in Havenfield.

The survey generated a large response. Here is what those who responded told us.

A large majority support a new crossing but a small minority don’t.

47 people replied using ARERA’s online survey. More than 8 out 10 (39) of them supported the installation of a new zebra crossing. Only 8 of them did not. 9 completed forms were returned by residents of Havenfield. All bar one se supported installation of a new zebra crossing.

About two thirds of those who voted for a crossing prefer Location B.

Given this level of support, the committee is applying to the Local Highway Improvement Programme requesting installation of a new zebra crossing at Location B.

Why did people vote as they did?

The largest number of responses to the survey were received from those who live in the narrowest and most frequently congested part of Arbury Road East – post code CB4 2JB

The second largest number came from those who live in retirement flats in Havenfield – post code CB4 2JY – who could be expected to benefit most from the installation of a new zebra crossing.

People who were in favour of a new crossing were asked why they preferred the location they had chosen. In answering this question, they revealed that they had used just four assessment criteria:

  • proximity to destinations and/or other crossing points
  • location in relation to number/range of potential users
  • increased safety for pedestrians, and
  • traffic calming potential.

Viewed against these criteria, Location B emerges as front runner.

Table 2. The pros and cons of the two suggested locations
Location A
Proximity to destinations: shops, church, vets and schoolsToo close to Milton Road traffic lights – so motorists might be tempted not to stop
Closest location to Havenfield retirement housingToo dangerous
Link to footpath to Kirby CloseServes least number of residents on Arbury Road
Safe crossing avoiding traffic junction with Milton and Leys Road 
Good location to deter speeding to and from Milton Road traffic lights 
Location B
Closest location to Havenfield retirement housingToo close to Milton Road traffic lights with controlled pedestrian crossing
Mid-point between Milton Road junction and zebra crossing at Arbury Court play area 
Reduces average distance anyone on Arbury Road East has to walk to reach a crossing 
Improved safety for school children crossing to go to Chesterton and NCA secondary schools 
Act as traffic calming measure to slow down vehicles on long straight stretch 
May stop vehicles exceeding 20 mph speed limit 
Good location to slow down traffic at dangerous junction with Leys Road and HavenfieldI
Provide alternative to dangerous zebra crossing between North Cambridge Academy and Arbury Court play area 
Improved visibility (fewer parked cars) at this point for pedestrians trying to cross 

Opposition to a new zebra crossing is not related to where people live on Arbury Road East. Most opposition came from those living in CB4 2JB – the narrowest and so least safe part of the road in terms of pedestrian and cyclist safety. But this is also the post code where most people voted for a new crossing.

Table 1.    Opposition to new cross and respondents’ locations
Respondent’s post codeNumber of respondentsNumber opposed to new zebra crossing
CB4 1FY1
CB4 2JB165
CB4 2JD111
CB4 2JE101
CB4 2JY13
CB4 2GA1

Those who had voted against a new zebra crossing were asked why they had done so. They had used three assessment criteria:

  • proximity to other crossing points
  • traffic blocking potential, and
  • loss of on-street parking

All those who replied to the survey were asked if they had any other comments to make. Their replies reveal that there are very divergent, unreconcilable, views held by those who live on Arbury Road East Road about the nature of the problems, if any, faced by pedestrians and cyclists using it. There are those who think there aren’t any, e,g.:

“I think Arbury Road East is already safe for pedestrians and cyclists.”


“Having lived on this road I think pedestrian and cycle safety is very good, with ample zebra crossings, 20mph speed limit, speed bumps and a cycle lane where it is needed near schools, shops and play areas.”

But these are outnumbered by those who think that extensive improvements need to be made. The called-for improvements include:

  • adding dedicated cycle lanes
  • making Arbury Road East one-way
  • banning on-pavement parking
  • banning on-pavement cycling and e-scooters
  • banning heavy goods vehicles
  • installing a speed camera and enforcing the 20mph speed limit
  • traffic calming to deter speeding
  • retaining on-street parking (to narrow road and slow down traffic), and
  • introducing a modal filter to prevent commuter traffic.

Given these demands, the committee of ARERA will continue to press the County Council, its Highways and Transport Committee, and the Greater Cambridge Partnership, along with our local councillors, to take the requested actions required to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety on Arbury Road East.

Arbury and Kings Hedges Design Code Survey

Members of ARERA are encouraged to participate in this survey which is looking for residents’ views on a design code for our locality. This is intended to provide ideas and recognise the opinions of local people when new developments are proposed which will affect how we live and get about.

Inspired Living – A design code to enhance design in Northern Cambridge neighbourhoods

Phase 2: Articulating the vision and emerging principles of the design code

Our latest survey closes for submissions on Sunday 5 November.

We need your views on five proposed principles as we begin to develop the draft design code.

  1. Make space for nature
  2. Prioritise walking and cycling
  3. Thriving public spaces
  4. Enhance character
  5. Increase sustainability

    The principles are explained in full detail on our phase 2 project page, where you can have your say by participating in our latest survey.

ARERA AGM Invitation Reminder

Arbury Road East Residents Association
AGM, Wednesday, 5th July 2023
Arbury Baptist Church Hall, 7.00-8.30 pm

  1. Introduction and Welcome
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the 2022 AGM
  3. Chair’s Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report and accounts
  5. Q&A
  6. Election of Committee and Officers for 2023/4
  7. Proposed expenditure and collection
  8. AOB
  9. Jim Smith’s illustrated local history talk

From Milton Road to Arbury Camp: The History of Hurst Park and Arbury Road

We will try to complete the formal business of the AGM in 30 minutes to allow plenty of time for Jim’s talk and any questions you may have for him.

If you do want to nominate yourself or someone else as a committee member, please use the contact link below.

And, if you have any issue you want to raise under AOB, please do so before the meeting
again using the contact below.

To contact us