Cambridge News:Residents fear Arbury Road to turn into ‘urban clearway’ as street parking to be scrappedCambridge News:

The Greater Cambridge Partnership project has called the project the “GCP Resident Parking Scheme”.


There are plans to put double yellow lines along the length of Arbury Road
There are plans to put double yellow lines along the length of Arbury Road

Plans to remove current free on-street parking spaces have incensed some residents on Arbury Road, who argue that under current proposals, residents would face a long walk to get to their cars. In the attached plan for the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s project, double yellow lines are visible along the length of Arbury Road, with a dotted line indicating a cycle lane going from Milton Road to the Recreation ground.

This change, critics have warned, will transform Arbury Road into an “urban clearway”, which is defined as “a stretch of road in an urban area on which motorists may only stop in an emergency”.

A call to action entitled: ‘ACT Now – GCP Plans to turn Arbury Road into an Urban Clearway’ was posted by the campaign on social media two days ago, and has already received dozens of reactions. The purported intention of the GCP’s “Resident Parking Scheme” is to give residents in the Milton Road area parking priority within their area.

Under these plans, Arbury road residents also fear they may have to find a parking space on those allocated to the Hurst Park Estate – quite some distance from Arbury Road. They also have criticised the fact that they would be obliged to spend £54 on a permit for their car, which could potentially be on a road miles away from home.

Map 1 – Arbury Road, Highfield Avenue, Leys Avenue, Leys Road, Orchard Avenue

On the scheme’s official webpage the GCP insist the new plans will make it easier for residents to park: “The introduction of a residents’ parking scheme ring fences available parking spaces to those people who live in the area. It should enable those who regularly find it difficult to park within a reasonable distance of their home due to other competing parking demands, to find a space”.

One user commented that the area is already underserved by public transport: “There are no buses up Arbury Road and installing a “modal filter” would make that even less likely. “

“In addition, as well as forcing local traffic to take a considerably extended route in order to reach Histon or Chesterton High St, adding greatly to overall pollution, it could also direct escaping vehicles into Leys Rd and around the Hurst Park estate at cost to their local environment. Not everybody can cycle”.

Another user commented said: “The Arbury Road saga continues…”

By Fareid Atta


GCP Plans to turn Arbury Road into an Urban Clearway!

Many residents and shopkeepers in Arbury Road east supported the idea of joining a residents’ parking scheme with the Milton Road, Hurst Park Ave and Leys Road areas when they were asked for their views by local councillors this summer.
It was therefore a shock to discover that the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s current proposals mean no parking at all in Arbury Road, not even for disabled drivers or customers of businesses at the Milton Road junction.

Instead Arbury Road residents will be expected to find a parking space amongst those allocated to the streets on the Hurst Park Estate. For details, see

During the day there is already some pressure on spaces in Leys Road which is the nearest parking, so if Arbury Road residents lose all their parking those who need parking will find themselves paying £54 p.a. per car with no guarantee of a space anywhere near their home. If the scheme goes ahead the squeeze on spaces will only get worse.

The above plan prepared for the Greater Cambridge Partnership shows double yellow lines along the length of Arbury Road with an unprotected (dotted line) cycle lane going from Milton Road to join the one which starts at the Rec. There will be nothing for cyclists on the other side of the road going towards the junction. This change will turn the whole of Arbury Road into a de facto ‘urban clearway’ – “a stretch of road in an urban area on which motorists may stop only in an emergency”.

If this proposal goes ahead, not only will a significant number of residents lose their parking, but the road will become even more unsafe, as a straight unimpeded road is likely to encourage speeding. The 20 mph limit is already largely ignored, but such a road could become a speedway with no traffic calming measures – none are shown on the map above..

These proposals do not address the concerns that residents have already voiced about road safety and pollution but in fact are likely to make matters worse!

There is an opportunity to view the plans and discuss them with the consultants on Wednesday 19th October from 5-7 pm at Chesterton Community College Drama Studio, or online on Wednesday 2 November at 6 pm.

We recommend residents read the proposals in detail, attend one of the meetings if possible and fill in the survey.  Do share your concerns with your local councillors, the GCP and your local residents’ association – ARERA – we will do our best to represent your views.

Survey link:

If you would prefer not to complete the consultation survey online, please telephone 01223 699 906, a member of GCP Call Centre will add your responses to the survey for you.

You can also email your views to


Does your house shake?

Cars being forced off the road by articulated lorries unable to turn safely at the Milton Road junction

Speeding lorries and the poor condition of Arbury Road has resulted in many of you experiencing disturbing structural vibrations in your homes, particularly in the early hours of the morning. Have you experienced this? Are you worried by structural problems? 

We believe a 7.5 ton restriction should be put in place to prevent large lorries from using the eastern end of Arbury Road where it is narrow and the pavements offer little protection to pedestrians.  These lorries also endanger cyclists and obstruct cars travelling in the opposite direction. Such a restriction would match that on Union Lane and force large lorries to use wider and safer routes into Cambridge – as intended by the A14 signage. Currently cyclists are routinely forced off the road.

Please let us know if you have experienced shaking and please report it to the Council using this link:

Highways Reporting Page

Modal filter debate on Cambridge 105 Radio

Earlier this month, Cambridge 105 Radio hosted an interview programme with several members of the local community expressing views both for and against a modal filter. In the programme, Councillor Scutt (representative for Arbury) stated her “number one” solution for Arbury Road (and climate change) would be to apply for more trees (but strangely not to reduce emissions?). Even if this made sense – where would these trees go and what effect would a few saplings have? Our cycling officer wrote to her asking her these questions… 

A rough calculation shows that as a minimum, 5000 fully mature oak trees would be required between the North Academy and Milton Road to absorb the carbon dioxide emitted by the level of Co2e emitted in this 600m stretch. 

See calculation and Councillor Scutt’s response here.

Our shops need a lay-by

As you are probably aware, our row of excellent independent shops on Arbury Road (near the Milton road junction) are in desperate need of a lay-by for deliveries and their customers alike.  Shops on Milton Road have lay-bys but the problem here has been ignored by the council for years. Our local shops have continued serving the community throughout the pandemic and deserve better. Please write to the council and your councillors on their behalf supporting a lay by

ARERA presses local Councillors and police on Speeding on Arbury Road

At the North Area Committee Meeting on the 15th March ARERA presented data on Speeding

Data from a County Council Speed Camera which was installed on Arbury Road clearly shows that for a two-week measured period maximum traffic speed is consistently twice the speed limit e.g. 40mph instead of the 20mph limit. There are also at least five instances of traffic exceeding 60mph on Arbury Road

We asked what measures are the police pursuing to reduce gross speeding violations on Arbury Road and prevent another fatality?

And whether the committee would include Arbury road speeding on the ‘recommended local areas of concern’ list for the next reporting period of the Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods Agenda item?

The response from the police was that they now have more officers allocated to driving issues and more speed guns. They will look into the problems on Arbury Road

The response from the committee was that the initiative to tackle bad driving on Fen Road would be expanded to cover other main North Cambridge Roads including Arbury Road and it will therefore be included under the ‘local areas of concern’

ARERA asks the GCP when the cycle lane will be completed

The following question was asked at the Greater Cambridge Partnership Executive meeting on 17th March 2021

In relation to Agenda Item 7, City Access Strategy Recommendations, Part (b) ‘Agree to prioritise road space for sustainable transport and make it a more competitive choice, by discouraging car use through..’

It is very encouraging to see all the hard work going on through the GCP Agenda and Reports, but I would contest that Cambridge is the cycling city that people imagine but rather a car drivers city and the people who cycle do so despite the cars

For most days of the week the East end of Arbury Road is choked with idling traffic waiting to turn on to Milton Road

Now as my children return to school, two on bicycles and one on foot, one still affected by long Covid symptoms there is traffic queuing as far as the eye can see from my house, the road effectively blocked for cyclists.

We are being encouraged to take up active travel, but I worry about the quality of the air we breathe in, as well as the safety aspect. This is especially awful to see at school time, this road is heavily used for active travel by people of all ages. But at school times it is the parents with young children and babies in trailers, or the children and students themselves who must either sit in the traffic queue and breathe in the fumes, retreat to the pavement or get off and wheel their bikes

The abrupt ending of the protective cycle lane just after North Cambridge Academy does a disservice to all the people who ride bikes as a method of travel. It really says, ‘ok you’re on your own now, good luck!’

When will the Arbury Road cycle lanes be completed all the way down to Milton Road? It makes no sense as a safe cycling route otherwise and I have seen data to show that it is very heavily used by cyclists

Sign our petition for safer walking and cycling on Arbury Road East during the COVID-19 and into the future

Our recent survey demonstrated how much our community was concerned with levels of traffic on Arbury Road East and particularly the consequent safety concerns due to traffic volume, speeding traffic, and pollution.

* 95% of you wanted action now due to serious safety concerns and pollution.

* 87% of you supported filtering the road to prevent through commuter traffic (whilst still allowing access for residents, taxis, deliveries, emergency vehicles and business users).

Now, since the current COVID-19 crisis began, the speeding problem has got much worse and made it even riskier for people walking and cycling here. We are trying to do our part to protect the NHS and keep a safe 2m physical distance from each other while walking to the shops or for daily exercise, but this is becoming increasingly difficult.

The pavements are too narrow and the road is often too dangerous because of the high-speed motor traffic passing through.

Our community needs more space to walk and cycle safely, while respecting physical distancing guidelines. Filtering is a solution that will open up more community space, stop the speeding through-traffic and protect key workers who are cycling on Arbury Road, all while ensuring that everyone’s essential services are accessible by any transport mode.

Many other parts of the country are working on ways to make their streets safer to help people who are making essential journeys on foot or bike. It makes a lot of sense and we need to get started before the problem gets any worse.

Let’s work together to ensure safe walking and cycling on Arbury Road East during the COVID-19 lock down and into the future.

Please support our proposal to filter Arbury Road by signing this petition

Please share this with your neighbours

Thank you!