- Current state of play on the residents’ parking scheme and future stepsWe have been asked to share the slides shown at our AGM on 12th of February about the residents’ parking scheme. If, when you have had a chance to look through them, you have any questions or comments, please could you use the contact page on this website to do so? File : Agenda item …
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- Residents’ Parking Scheme: what we now know (and still don’t)Residents’ Parking Scheme: what we now know (and still don’t) We have been asked if we could write a short piece, in plain English, about where we are on the Residents’ Parking Scheme. Here goes ….. two versions – a simpler and a more complicated one. Simpler version_______________ 1. The Residents’ Parking Scheme is going …
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- Imminent County Council decisions affecting Arbury Road EastMuch has been happening over the summer that will have significant impacts on Arbury Road East. Decisions about whether a new zebra crossing will provided, under the Local Highways Improvement Programme (LHIP), and about the implementation of the Milton Road Area Residents Park Scheme, are imminent. These decisions will be made at two meetings of …
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- Traffic counting equipment on Arbury Road EastYou may have noticed the traffic counting equipment that has been installed outside the North Cambridge Academy. We have put in a request to the County Council’s Highways Department asking what the purpose of this data collection is and how any data collected will be used. If and when we get a reply, we will …
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- Judgement published on proposed new zebra crossing on Arbury Road east.The summary report by the County Council’s Highways Officer who examined the feasibility of the proposed new zebra crossing for Arbury Road east has been released as an agenda paper for the Council meeting which will decide whether it should go ahead. This meeting will now be held on the 25th of July. Applications for …
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- Cambridge News : Parking scheme on Cambs street could cause ‘a lot of ill feeling’By Cait Findlay – Cambridge News Senior Reporter The proposals would see residents’ parking bays on one side of the Arbury Road and double yellow lines on the other A group of Cambridge neighbours have described plans to introduce parking measures in their area as ‘divisive’. Members of the Arbury Road East Residents’ Association (ARERA) …
- Important news about the Residents Parking Scheme for Arbury Road East Residents and businesses on Arbury Road East – and its tributaries – need to be aware of what is imminently about to happen in the implementation of permit-based ‘Residents Parking’ on our road. Adoption of this has been progressing very slowly through a very bureaucratic process. This process is about to reach a critical point – the …
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- The bid for new zebra crossing is simply the latest effort to get safety improved on Arbury Road East.As the Cambridge Independent reported in August, 2021: “Arbury Road in Cambridge is congested, polluted, and dangerous, say residents supporting plans to restrict through traffic.” ‘Congestion in Arbury Road must be tackled’ say residents as debate on closure to motor vehicles growscambridgeindependent.co.uk
- A new zebra crossing for Arbury Road East?Arbury Road East Residents Association has, as two of its primary objectives, improving pedestrian and cyclist safety on the eastern end of Arbury Road (between Arbury Court play area and the Milton Road traffic lights). As one way of achieving this, ARERA’s committee has explored local support for a new pedestrian crossing on Arbury Road …
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- (no title)The Greater Cambridge Partnership has just released a set of FAQs about the residents’ parking schemes that it is introducing. The FAQs appear to be generic. And so it is likely that the answers given will also apply to us if/when we get included in the Hurst Park Estate residents’ parking scheme. The questions are …