Imminent County Council decisions affecting Arbury Road East

Much has been happening over the summer that will have significant impacts on Arbury Road East.

Decisions about whether a new zebra crossing will provided, under the Local Highways Improvement Programme (LHIP), and about the implementation of the Milton Road Area Residents Park Scheme, are imminent.

These decisions will be made at two meetings of the County Council’s Highways and Transport Committee (H&TC) to be held during the first week of October.

We have been trying to get access to the agenda papers for these two meetings to find out what is being proposed.

We were treated kindly by the Cambridge Joint Area Committee when we were invited in July to make submissions to it in support of our LHIP submission. But we have been unable to discover what recommendation it made about our proposed zebra cross to the H&TC which is going to make a decision about on October 1st. We have been told that no minutes of the CJAC meeting were made.

At a separate meeting, the CJAC recommended acceptance of the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s (GCP) proposals for our area’s residents parking scheme, despite the 288 objections made about it.

And this recommendation was made by the committee despite the public statement given our former councillor Jocelynne Scutt, who was the chair of the CJAC at the time of the GCP’s ‘consultation’ on the scheme in 2022. She publicly stated, as we consistently maintained, that the GCP had not provided information making clear that the north (even numbers side) of Arbury Road East would be excluded from the parking scheme.

The CJAC is recommending to the H&TC that the six-month trial of parking scheme, as described in the Traffic Regulation Order published in the Spring, should go ahead with the provisos that:
1.  a detailed evaluation should be made of the scheme at the end of the trial period
2. an online channel of communications should be set up so that residents and businesses can log their experiences during the trial,

ARERA has requested that the evaluation and the communications channel should be provided by independent third parties because of the GCP’s dire performance to date in relation to the parking scheme.

This all sounds very bureaucratic – because it is.

But this won’t make the consequences of decisions about to be taken any the less significant for those of us who live and work on Arbury Road East.

We will let you know when the committee papers for the two H&T committee meetings next month become available – in case you want to make your own representations to the committees.

And we will let you know the outcomes of the decisions the two meetings make as soon as they become available.