GCP Making Connections Consultation

It’s not too late to make your response to the latest GCP consultation – the one which many people think is just about the congestion charge proposals, but is really about improving the way we all live and work together.

The deadline is midday on 23 December.

The attached link will take you to a guide to the consultation provided by the Cambridgeshire Sustainable Travel Alliance


Whatever you think about the proposals it is really important to have your say.  Alternative suggestions to the congestion charge will be welcomed, as will your views on buses, cycling, walking, pollution hot spots etc.  This really is your chance to make your views known!

To complete the survey click


Please make sure that your voice gets heard.

ARERA Committee

ARERA presses local Councillors and police on Speeding on Arbury Road

At the North Area Committee Meeting on the 15th March ARERA presented data on Speeding

Data from a County Council Speed Camera which was installed on Arbury Road clearly shows that for a two-week measured period maximum traffic speed is consistently twice the speed limit e.g. 40mph instead of the 20mph limit. There are also at least five instances of traffic exceeding 60mph on Arbury Road

We asked what measures are the police pursuing to reduce gross speeding violations on Arbury Road and prevent another fatality?

And whether the committee would include Arbury road speeding on the ‘recommended local areas of concern’ list for the next reporting period of the Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods Agenda item?

The response from the police was that they now have more officers allocated to driving issues and more speed guns. They will look into the problems on Arbury Road

The response from the committee was that the initiative to tackle bad driving on Fen Road would be expanded to cover other main North Cambridge Roads including Arbury Road and it will therefore be included under the ‘local areas of concern’

ARERA Satisfaction Survey Results Summary

Results from the Make Arbury Road better! ARERA Survey.


The Arbury Road East Residents Association (ARERA) was officially inaugurated on 9 December 2019. ARERA aims to provide a forum for discussion of issues affecting residents and business owners on Arbury road, and its side streets, from the North Cambridge Academy school to the junction at Milton Road.

Residents/business operators have come together to discuss options as it is felt that the use of Arbury Road as a through-route/cut through is not keeping with its designated status – e.g. 20mph designation, its narrow width, multiple schools, shops, popular cyclist route, and a pedestrian zone accessing homes/schools/shops/businesses etc.

Issues discussed at the meeting included:

  • views on whether cars should be actively discouraged in an era of climate emergency
  • views about lorries not being restricted by weight
  • views about bus services
  • views about safety and usage of pavements for cycling and parking
  • views about whether Arbury road, as currently configured, actually splits the community in two
  • views about the safety of Arbury Road junction with Milton Road specifically
  • whether people (perhaps older) avoid cycling and walking because they consider it too dangerous
  • views on pollution, vibration, and noise
  • impact of the Histon Road one-way development and the Milton Road development plans

In this survey, we want to collect your views concerning traffic and road usage from both residents and businesses on/just off Arbury Road, with the aim of trying to develop and present ideas for improvements to the County Council and the Greater Cambridge Partnership.


COVID-19 virus measures: Supporting your neighbours

Dear Neighbour

We have been thinking about how we can support and care for each other should we need to stay indoors in the coming weeks and months.

Please contact us if you intend to self-isolate or have a neighbour who may need to and think we may be able to support you e.g. with collecting and delivering shopping or prescriptions, or a friendly front garden chat or telephone call.

Likewise, please contact us (info@arera.org.uk) if you are someone who would like to offer help.

Events are changing fast and this is a worrying time for many people, but we believe we will be a stronger community if we all work together.

Local shops that are delivering

cambridgelocalshops.co.uk has a full list of local shops that deliver.

Some of the local ones are:

Radmore farm shop

What: Fruit, veg, meat and other provisions like fuel

Victoria Avenue Cambridge
Tel: 01223 361 155
Email: hello@radmorefarmshop.co.uk
They usually have two deliveries a week but at the moment deliveries are booked up until the end of March

Les Ward

What: Greengrocers

Arbury Court
Tel: 01223 353 799
https://www.facebook.com/leswardflorist/They do deliveries

Cam Home & Garden

What: Gardening, cleaning, cookware, DIY

Milton Road
Call Robin on 07845 964 013 after 10am
To join the mailing list for stock and delivery please email info@camhomeandgarden.co.uk

Priority deliveries are of food, vegetable plants and seeds, beer and jam making goods and essential cleaning and sanitising products
Other coronavirus-related services being offered by Cambridge shops, through https://cambridgelocalshops.co.uk

Cambridge Quality Meats

What: Butchers
1a Arbury Rd, Cambridge CB4 2JB
Monday: 6am -1pm
Tuesday 6am – 3pm
Wednesday 6am- 3pm
Thursday 6am- 3pm
Friday 6am- 3pm

Tel: 01223 352 853

All local shops

Again, please see cambridgelocalshops.co.uk has a full list of local shops that deliver.

With best wishes
ARERA team
