Arbury Road East Residents Association
AGM, Wednesday, 5th July 2023
Arbury Baptist Church Hall, 7.00-8.30 pm
- Introduction and Welcome
- Approval of the Minutes of the 2022 AGM
- Chair’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report and accounts
- Q&A
- Election of Committee and Officers for 2023/4
- Proposed expenditure and collection
- Jim Smith’s illustrated local history talk
From Milton Road to Arbury Camp: The History of Hurst Park and Arbury Road
We will try to complete the formal business of the AGM in 30 minutes to allow plenty of time for Jim’s talk and any questions you may have for him.
If you do want to nominate yourself or someone else as a committee member, please use the contact link below.
And, if you have any issue you want to raise under AOB, please do so before the meeting
again using the contact below.