Consultation meeting announcement

Milestone / GCP monthly consultation on Milton Road Improvements

The next meeting has been confirmed as on Monday 6th March. Again from 11am to 12.30pm at Milton Library meeting room


Here is a summary of the first meeting, held on Friday 3rd February from 11am to 12.30pm.

Last minute reschedule

Present up to 10 local residents

3 members of Milestone contractors include Jake and Naomi

These sessions were planned for their site at Woodhead Drive but they ended up restricted on office space so last minute changes to Library and on the Friday 3rd.

Tom Porter (who took over as Project Manager from Paul van de Bulk) from GCP couldn’t make!!!

So lots of questions for Tom next time.

This meeting was advertised as a drop in session but more of a discussion round a table, so worth being there from the start really.

More regular updates of work being done and closures etc were asked for on public noticeboards – they promised to get back on this to help with finding suitable sites.

The issue was raised about the closure of the pedestrian/cycle route through Oak Tree Ave – they will try and improve the signage at the Elizabeth Way pedestrian crossing.

They were also asked if they could have some “live” information about the buses -it seems unlikely this will happen, but the timetable is still “live” on the old Union Lane bus stop – though it was hard to get across the road to read it!

They have been informed that a lot of people want the modal filter on Union Lane to remain.  They already knew this! 

They were asked about the future for Arbury Road – it will have a similar system as Union Lane when the work is done on the northern side of Milton Road. Official diversion will be via Kings Hedges Road – but there will be nothing to stop locals using Hurst Park Ave rat run, as at present.

Pothole filling still responsibility of highways dept. Even within roadworks like outside library. Milestone say they are reporting them daily too. There has been filling in subsequently but poor standard. 

Much discussion about the status of GCP and its undemocratic set up.

Also about who is liable when accidents occur, as there have been, particularly cycling related.