Current state of play on the residents’ parking scheme and future steps

We have been asked to share the slides shown at our AGM on 12th of February about the residents’ parking scheme.

If, when you have had a chance to look through them, you have any questions or comments, please could you use the contact page on this website to do so?

File : Agenda item 5.1 Milton Road Area Residents’ Parking  Scheme 2020-25 – Update on current state of play and next steps

Contact ARERA


Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have had to change the date for our AGM.

This will now be held  at 7pm on Wednesday 12th of February at the Baptist Church hall.

At the meeting, we will be asking you which options, see below, you prefer for improving our street.

Please fill in the form attached and bring it with you when you come.

ARERA AGM Invitation Reminder

Arbury Road East Residents Association
AGM, Wednesday, 5th July 2023
Arbury Baptist Church Hall, 7.00-8.30 pm

  1. Introduction and Welcome
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the 2022 AGM
  3. Chair’s Report
  4. Treasurer’s Report and accounts
  5. Q&A
  6. Election of Committee and Officers for 2023/4
  7. Proposed expenditure and collection
  8. AOB
  9. Jim Smith’s illustrated local history talk

From Milton Road to Arbury Camp: The History of Hurst Park and Arbury Road

We will try to complete the formal business of the AGM in 30 minutes to allow plenty of time for Jim’s talk and any questions you may have for him.

If you do want to nominate yourself or someone else as a committee member, please use the contact link below.

And, if you have any issue you want to raise under AOB, please do so before the meeting
again using the contact below.

To contact us

Annual General Meeting – Wed, 5th July 2023

Arbury Road East Residents’ Association (ARERA) was set up in December 2019 to represent residents and businesses in Arbury Road (and its cul-de-sacs) between Arbury Play Area and North Cambridge Academy at the western end and the junction with Milton Road.

Its day-to-day business is managed by a small committee. Because of people moving away, there is space on the committee if you want to join us. Please email us if you’d like to or want to nominate someone else at

We hold a public Annual General Meeting (AGM) once a year to report on ARERA’s activities. Please come and hear what we have been doing on your behalf and let us know what you’d like us to do next.

This year, as an added attraction, our guest speaker will be Jim Smith who specialises in the local history of our area.

From Milton Road to Arbury Camp: The History of Hurst Park and Arbury Road

Jim will present an illustrated talk on the history of our road and its relationship to the development of the surrounding area.

In 1840, Chesterton’s open fields and common land were enclosed and development spread east from Huntingdon Road towards the old Chesterton village.

By 1914, Highworth Avenue and Leys Road were laid out and housing had spread round the corner from Newman’s Cottages in Milton Road towards Leys Road. Beginning in 1927, Cambridge Estates Ltd laid out four new avenues between Milton and Arbury Roads.

The area had a history of horticulture, farming, laundering, milling, coprolite digging, brick making and, from 1934, scientific instrument making. It was home to a nurseryman, a missionary, a grocer, a notable dentist, a bankrupt confectioner, and the couple who gave their name to Cherry’s Corner.

Jim’s talk will bring to life those activities and those characters who link Hurst Park to Arbury Road.

To contact us