Arbury Road East Residents Association

The Arbury Road East Residents Association (ARERA) was officially inaugurated on 9 December 2019. ARERA aims to provide a forum for discussion of issues affecting residents and business owners on Arbury road, and its side streets, from the North Cambridge Academy school to the junction at Milton Road.

What we do

The aims of the association are to:

  • Represent the interests of members with regard to the local street environment
  • Foster community involvement
  • Act as a point of contact and source of news and information for the local area
  • Represent members on the City Council Residents’ Forum
  • Attend City and County Council meetings and report back on anything likely to affect the local area
  • Liaise with other residents’ associations on matters of mutual interest

The Area we look after

Membership is open to anyone over the age of 18 residing in: Arbury Road east, i.e. from Milton Road end up to Arbury Court play area/North Cambridge Academy, Austin Court, Twickenham Court, Marfield Court, Havenfield, Maio Road

How to get involved

The best way to be kept in the loop is to sign up to our email list via Contact Us page.
We will only use your email address to keep you informed of news related to Arbury Road

The committee

Chair : Rosalind Lund
Secretary : Ian Cooper

Support ARERA

We would be grateful for your subs and donations.
Our suggested subscription is £5 per member.
Our account is with Barclays Bank:
in the name of Arbury Road East Residents Association
Sort code   20-17-20
Account number  13085686.